Rings a bell. My maternal grandfather Was born in 1860 in Oregon Territory. My paternal grandfather was in Alabama. My maternal grandfather had 7 children and the paternal had 11. My aunts and uncles were born in the late 1800's and early 1900's and had few children. My mom had 3 and an uncle had 2. The trend continues with my wife's and my children. I have one grand child and my wife has 4. If the wealth trend continues our grand children will live off their trusts for the rest of their lives.

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It's always interesting to focus on single variables, and I learn by these efforts. If you like, at least people like Brad, unlike many historians, provide the data, which is sorta a "reduced form" way to look at history. But then we get multiple efforts to find the underlying equations, and there are many.

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Agreed! I personally have a soft spot for historical novels and memoirs, as an example, but I still think there is something uniquely valuable in getting data on these big trends. It's kind of a reality check, if nothing else. And like you said, the more the merrier: more folks are doing it, the we can "triangulate" towards the underlying experience of real people.

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I just viewed a NYT article on Saudi's push towards a tourist industry.

The view convinced me that the world is awash in money with no good investment prospects.

Another thought from the article was wondering if in 200 or more years the tourist industry will be viewing the decaying ruins of the tourist facilities like the current tourist industry in Egypt.

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