Links for Episode 29
Links for episode 29 (with Cara Ocobock)
This episode questions the theory that men evovled to hunt and women to gather. We touch upon evidence from archaeology, anthropology, and physiology.
Popular articles
The Scientific American piece by Ocobock and Lacey
Vivek Venkataraman’s piece for The Conversation
A New York Times article on the archaeological discovery of the Peruvian female hunter
Academic papers
Ocobock’s and Lacey’s academic papers on archaeology and physiology
Erik Trinkaus’s paper on Neanderthals and rodeo riders
Cara Wall-Scheffler and colleagues: The Myth of the Man the Hunter (2023) (or this link)
Frank Marlowe’s 2007 paper “Hunting and Gathering: The Human Sexual Division of Foraging Labour”
On Humans Episodes